Awaken Your Magic

Greetings, magical souls of the natural and digital realm! 🌟 I'm Bree Naomee, aka The Vision-Fairy, your go-to fairy wizard for all things enchanting and transformative. Navigating the intricate realms of magic and wonder, I'm not just a facilitator of Yoga & Wellness Retreats, Retreat Mentor, and an integrative Elements Health Coach, I'm your ally in breaking free from the chains that bind your spirit.

As your Vision-Fairy, my gaze goes beyond the surface; I see the shadows veiling life's mysteries and the radiant light paving the way forward. But it's not just about seeing; it's about actively crafting magic. I weave light that goes beyond the familiar boundaries, creating a tapestry of possibilities.

In this realm, I'm not a mere spectator; I'm a conductor of cosmic energies, a guardian of secrets, and a creator of enchantments designed to help you release the shackles holding you back.

Journey on this mystical adventure with me, where the ordinary merges into the extraordinary, and each heartbeat harmonises with the rhythm of the mystical.

My mission is clear: I'm here to support you in rediscovering your YOUnique gifts and offerings to the world. I'm not just your guide; I'm your cheerleader, your empowering force. Together, we'll delve into various Mind - Body & Emotional clearing techniques, unraveling the layers of blockages, emotions, and limiting beliefs.

Join me in navigating the kaleidoscope of existence, where magic isn't just a show; it's an integral force in our shared reality. I will open doorways into our DNA to awaken your gifts that are yearning to come out and play. 🌈✨

Bree Naomee: The Vision-fairy

Join me in this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and raising the vibration of our shared human experience. Let's unlock the doors to your potential and together, we will light up the world.

  • Holistic Health Coaching

    A 5 month life enhancing journey of self-discovery to optimise your health and unlock your greatest potential that lies dormant within your DNA. An awakening experience filled with loving support.

  • Retreat Mentoring

    Are you aspiring to organise a retreat but feel uncertain about the initial steps?

    Have you outlined your first retreat but require assistance in turning your vision into reality?

    Are you currently leading retreats but seeking support to ensure you're adequately prepared to hold space for others?

  • Photography

    Creative image wizardry for small business owners, wellness advocates and conscious entrepreneurs ready to expand their light and reach more people.

What are the Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys is a contemporary system of self-discovery and personal growth founded by British author and mystic, Richard Rudd. It combines elements of various spiritual and metaphysical traditions, including astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Human Design System, to provide a comprehensive and deeply insightful framework for understanding one's life path, purpose, and potential.

The Gene Keys represent the intricate codes embedded in our DNA at the time birth. There are 64 significant states of consciousness that make up the human experience.

The foundation of the Gene Keys is built upon the ancient text of the I-ching - these codes are scripted like a story in our genes. The I-ching provides an extensive map of the energy dynamics within all living systems and the way energy is expressed and moved. In essence there are 64 archetypal energies that play out in our human behaviour according to our time and place of birth.

Each Gene Key has three aspects: the Shadow, the Gift, and the Siddhi. The Shadow represents the challenges and fears associated with that Gene Key. The Gift is the positive qualities and talents that can be developed. The Siddhi is the highest state of realisation or enlightenment.

The 64 shadow frequencies are sometimes considered normal ways of being however they hold great limitation to our inherent divine nature.

The Gene Keys are a living wisdom and transmission beyond words, they do not expose their secrets to an intellectual grasping mind. Contemplation is key to unlocking these codes.

The Gene Keys encourage us to embrace our unique gifts, overcome challenges, and contribute positively to the world. It is a flexible framework that can be integrated into various spiritual and personal development practices, making it accessible to a wide range of people seeking self-awareness and growth.

My mission is to serve as a guiding beacon of light, illuminating the gifts, talents, and purpose that reside within each you. With a blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical tools, I guide you to discover their innate brilliance and transform it into meaningful and impactful contributions to the world.

Let’s journey together